Impressive images of the sandstorm that “swallowed” ships in the Suez Canal

Stunning images of a huge sandstorm in the Suez Canal - one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world - in Egypt are going viral on social media. The phenomenon, not uncommon in the Middle East and Africa, forced the closure of two Red Sea ports.

The sandstorm was recorded by cargo ship crews and drivers heading towards the port of Suez this Friday (2) and is surprising in its size.


Local media reported that this was one of the strongest sandstorms ever seen in Egypt.

The natural phenomenon also passed through Cairo, the capital, where one person died and five others were injured last Thursday (6), when a billboard collapsed on them during the storm.

Reproduction Twitter

Sandstorms, or Haboob, can last for hours, generate a dense wall up to a kilometer high and are more common in summer, according to the encyclopedia British. “It is important to be alert during a haboob, because strong winds can knock down trees and power lines,” warns Metsul. (Source: Galeleu Magazine)


Sandstorms are common in the East but they have even appeared in Brazil.⤵️

*Find out what haboob is, storm of poeanger that 'swallowed' cities in the interior of SP (Folha de S.Paulo) 🚥

*Storm of poeanger hit municipalities in MS (Agrolink)

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