Collagen industry is linked to deforestation in the Amazon

A journalistic investigation carried out by a pool - O Joio e O Trigo with The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, the British newspaper The Guardian and the British television network ITV - revealed that the animal collagen that is destined for cosmetics companies is taken from animals raised on farms involved in deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado.

According to the report released 'The Wheat and the Tares' website, journalists managed to track the path of part of the collagen, which arrives at a Nestlé unit in Switzerland. From there, the product goes to Vital Proteins – responsible for marketing the product – which has the actress Jennifer Aniston as the brand's poster girl and creative director.


In Brazil, Vital proteins It is sold in several pharmacies and the items are easily accessible.

The collagen industry is valued at US$4 billion per year.

It is worth mentioning that the collagen company has no obligation to track environmental impacts, unlike beef, soy and other food product companies.


Furthermore, collagen is not covered by due diligence legislation, which is designed to combat deforestation in the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Nestlé informed The Guardian that the data presented does not comply with responsible sales standards and that it is investigating the facts. Furthermore, the Swiss giant reported that it is taking measures to ensure that the products sold by the brand are free from deforestation by 2025.

Curto Curatorship:

  • Global collagen craze linked to Brazilian deforestation (The Guardian)
  • Nestlé buys collagen from cattle raised in deforested areas in Brazil (UOL)

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