laboratory artificial meat
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The advancement of laboratory-made meat; see other highlights Curto Verde

United Nations (UN) agency warns that countries affected by the climate have little time to fix their food supply; PepsiCo launches recycling challenge that will reward you with a trip; Californian startup receives first authorization to sell artificial meat, made through the cultivation of animal cells and, in this way, avoiding slaughter; and Rappi joins the UN Global Compact and launches Rappi Impact HUB - the company's arm for initiatives focused on economic, social and environmental impact.

🍏 Climate-affected nations have little time to fix food supplies, UN warns

Vulnerable countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America have less than a decade to install early warning systems and diversify the crops they produce before growing crops “losses and damages" from climate change exceed their financial capacity to face it, said the United Nations food agency.


While “all the solutions are available,” which also include climate-smart agriculture and information technology to connect with people at risk, governments need to enable an environment where they can “scale up” and be accessible, especially to most vulnerable, said Gernot Laganda, director of climate and disaster risk reduction at the World Food Programsystem. (BloombergGreen*)

Last week, the UN has called for investments of around US$3,1 billion by 2027 to increase preparedness for climate-related disasters and ensure that communities in some of the world's poorest countries receive early warnings. Floods that covered more than a third of Pakistan in 2022 brought the issue to the fore.

✈️ PepsiCo launches recycling challenge that will reward you with a trip

A PepsiCo – one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world – invites the Latin American public to participate in a movement in favor of the planet through #ReciclatONxPlanetLove: a recycling challenge, with a series of events that will take place simultaneously in seven Latin American countries. People who participate in the action will compete for a national trip, with the right to a companion.


Through the ReciclatON, PepsiCo will encourage people to find solutions to boost recycling, preventing plastic from becoming trash. The initiative is part of the second edition of Planet Love, a project in partnership with National Geographic, with the aim of inspiring people to be agents of change for a more sustainable world. In this second season, the initiative featured a seven-episode documentary web series that talks about love stories for the planet.

The mini-documentary is available on the National Geographic Brazil on Youtube.

Video by: National Geographic Brazil

Access official websitel of Planet Love and find out how to participate!


🔬 Californian startup receives first release to commercialize artificial meat

The American startup Upside Foods, which cultivates animal cells to produce meat without slaughtering them, received, this Wednesday (16), the green light for its manufacturing methods by the United States (USA) food safety agency, the FDA.

“We started Upside in a world full of skeptics and today, once again, we made history as the first company to receive a letter of approval.questionFDA approval for lab-grown meat,” said Uma Valeti, co-founder and CEO, in a statement from the Californian company.

In practice, the Upside Foods still has many hurdles to overcome, including U.S. Department of Agriculture inspections, before it can sell its products.


Several startups aim to produce and commercialize so-called “laboratory” or artificial meat, to allow humans to consume animal protein with less impact on the environment and without animal suffering.

These products differ from plant-based substitutes such as soy-based “steaks” and other ingredients that mimic the texture and flavor of meat but do not contain animal protein.

🌱 Rappi joins the UN Global Compact and launches Rappi Impact HUB

O Rappi announced its adherence to the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, in addition to the launch of the Rappi Impact HUB, which will be the company's arm for initiatives focused on economic, social and environmental impact.


In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda, a global call for organizations to migrate towards creating sustainable businesses, with the aim of improving people's quality of life, generating opportunities for inclusive development and, at the same time, respecting and preserving the environment. Along this path, during recent years, the role of large companies in contributing to the protection of our planet and its inhabitants has become more relevant.

Thinking about it, the Rappi is redoubling its commitment to the present and future of Brazil, through the launch of Rappi Impact HUB. This will be the company's channel whose main objective will be to help meet the needs of the communities where it operates and increase its contribution to the creation of a more competitive and sustainable world, guided by Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

Through the HUB, the Rappi seeks to accelerate several actions, such as the company's impact on local economies, generate sustainable social mobilization through the creation of more inclusive work opportunities, fight to eradicate hunger in our region and progressively reduce the environmental footprint in its value chain.

(with AFP)

Curto Verde is a daily summary of what you need to know about the environment, sustainability and other topics linked to our survival and that of the planet.

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