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The 'warriors' against global warming, villainous milk and +

These are highlights of Curto Green this Friday (19): lakes in the Amazon are capable of storing and absorbing large amounts of carbon, one of the main gases responsible for the greenhouse effect that causes global warming; fire leaves fatal victims in Algeria and milk: victim or villain of climate change?

🌱 The 'warriors' against global warming

The lakes of the Amazon are so important to the environment that they have been classified as “warriors” in the fight against global warming and climate change by a study published by the scientific journal Nature, last month. (Nature Communications.*)


The research, carried out by Brazilian geographer Leonardo Amora-Nogueira, PhD from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), also concluded that the degradation of a large part of them – mainly due to the rampant deforestation of the forest – could have a major impact on the planet.

The researcher traveled around 1.200 km of forest to analyze the conditions of 13 lakes in the states of Pará, Rondônia and Amazonas.

“Amazon lakes store much more carbon than the average lake in other biomes, such as temperate and boreal forests, and polar and subpolar regions”, explained the geographer in BBC interviewsystem. (BBC Brazil)


🔥 Algeria’s turn

Once again we have to talk about fires. This time in Algeria.

O fire that hit wooded and urban areas in the northeast of the country this week – leaving 38 fatalities – is completely under control, a Civil Defense official told AFP this Friday (19).

“All fires are fully under control,” said fire department colonel Farouk Achour, deputy director of information and statistics at Civil Defense. 


During 48 hours, more than 1.700 firefighters fought to put out more than 20 forest fires, which also left around 200 injuredsystem. (The Guardian*)

The country's Justice Ministry has opened an investigation to determine whether some of the fires were criminal in origin. 

Since the beginning of August, around 150 fires have occurred in Algeria, destroying hundreds of hectares of forest.


Forest fires – a phenomenon that is increasing under the effect of climate change – are spreading around the world, causing destruction and deaths.

Video by: DW

🐄 Milk: victim or villain of global warming?

Scientists have discovered that human-caused climate change and heat stress can affect cows and, therefore, reduce milk productionsystem. (The Washington Post*)🚥

Cows eat less when they are hot — which can lead to a 70% drop in milk production in warmer temperatures.


The conclusion was that a study, published in the journal Dairy Science, who sought solutions to the problem. (Journal of Dairy Science)🇬🇧

But did you know that meat and dairy production contributes almost 15% to global carbon emissions? greenhouse gases?

Food production also causes other problems, such as pollution, loss of biodiversity, soil contamination and water scarcity.

Reduce meat and dairy consumption it is, in fact, one of the biggest ways to reduce our environmental impact on the planet.

Curto Verde is a daily summary of what you need to know about the environment, sustainability and other topics linked to our survival and that of the planet.

(With AFP)

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(🇬🇧): content in English

(*): content in other languages ​​is translated by Google Tradutor

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