Image credits: Reproduction/Editora Globinho

A pioneer in environmental protection, Rita Lee dedicated herself to raising awareness among children

The queen of Brazilian rock, Rita Lee, has always been ahead of her time on several topics. One of them is the environment. Rita already highlighted the importance of discussing the subject 40 years ago and - more than that - decided to talk about it with the children. Through the stories of the mouse Alex, Rita sought to raise awareness among children that nature is being destroyed and that animals should not be treated as things.

The story of the mouse Alex was not designed for the book. The animal existed and was adopted by Rita lee when her 3 children were little.


“When it was time to go to bed, I would make up little stories about Alex’s adventures. That was in the 1980s. That’s when I thought about writing four little books for other children to also enjoy the little mouse’s world”, said Rita lee.

Through a light reading filled with colorful drawings, children were able to get to know the main character of the plot, a pacifist rodent, who fights for equality for all.

Passionate about animals and nature, Rita lee has always treated the protection of Brazilian fauna and flora as essential.


 The singer who died this Monday (8), aged 75, left a legacy not only in music, but also in the fight for social causes and the environment.

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