Image credits: Reproduction/Ibama

Why did Ibama deny Petrobras a license to drill in the Amazon basin?

The Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) denied a license for Petrobras to drill an oil well on the coast of Amapá. Petrobras was just waiting for this authorization to start test drilling in the FZA-M-59 block, in the Foz do Amazonas basin. Understand why.

Why was the license denied?

In an order, released this Wednesday (17), president of the Ibama, Rodrigo Agostinho, stated that the project presents worrying inconsistencies in operating safely in a new exploratory frontier of high socio-environmental vulnerability.


An opinion against drilling had already been released by the technical area of ​​Ibama. The document pointed out that Petrobras' plan for the area does not present guarantees for assistance to wildlife in possible accidents with oil spills. (g1)

Ibama also highlighted that there would be gaps in predicting the impacts of the activity on three indigenous lands in Oiapoque (Amapá).

The Amazon basin is a region of great environmental relevance

It houses Conservation Units, Indigenous Lands, mangroves and biogenic formations of organisms such as corals and sponges. The area also has a large biodiversity marine life, including rare species threatened with extinction.


Therefore, for the Ibama, it is essential that the extraction and production of oil and gas in the region is carried out with extreme caution and environmental responsibility, thus ensuring the protection of all this biodiversity.

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