Reike was effective in reducing fear of death, anguish and anxiety during the pandemic, says Fiocruz

A study carried out by Fiocruz researchers during the covid-19 pandemic showed that reiki can reduce emotional symptoms such as fear of death, panic and anxiety, improving patients' mental health. Alternative therapy is part of the list of Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICs), added to the SUS as allies in the treatment of various diseases.

“I started doing reike sessions 15 years ago, when I didn't have the recognition that I have today. But I needed to find myself: I had finished college, I didn't know which path to take. There were also family issues and I needed emotional help. Reiki relieved me, brought clarity, cleared negative thoughts, because it works this psychic part very well”, says Cristina Anido, company administrator and practitioner of alternative therapy.


Cristina's story is similar to that of other patients who seek the ancient oriental technique as a way to balance body and mind, face moments of emotional stress and even help the body itself fight an illness. It is important to emphasize: reike does not replace medicine and traditional treatments in the fight against diseases, but it has proven to be an ally for emotional issues that also interfere with the evolution of health.

“Reike is a healing and self-healing technique through the laying on of hands. Just like acupuncture, reike dissolves the obstruction of the body channels that receive cosmic energy, regularizing this flow”, says Tibetan usui reiki master Alberto Nubie Policastro. “The practice can also be done remotely”, he adds.

“Patient testimonials show that the technique is effective, and there are countless testimonies that show how the technique works for psychic support”, adds Alberto.


Even though it is recognized by the World Health Organization as a complementary practice to traditional medicine with beneficial effects on health, reike still provokes controversy. The news is that a study carried out by Fiocruz showed that the practice was effective as support for psychiatric patients who were in isolation during the covid-19 pandemic.

Patients at the National School of Public Health (Ensp/Fiocruz), who were seeking treatment for depression, insomnia and anxiety, for example, reported relief after remote reike sessions.

How the research was done

Between March 2020 and December 2021, researchers applied reiki to women who were under psychiatric care during the covid-19 pandemic, with therapeutic listening in teleconsultations via cell phone – as there was limited in-person access to medical consultations and psychosocial interventions.


Users did not receive other therapies during the period. There were 92 call centers, with an average of 17 per user, weekly and per hour. Among them were women with acute depressive disorder or in remission.

The result was encouraging: patients reported feeling peace, lightness, improved sleep and family relationships after treatment. Before, these same patients They presented fear of death, panic, anxiety, impotence, insomnia, sadness and body pain.

Psychiatric consultations showed reduction of anxiety, body aches and sadness, improvement of self-esteem and self-care with reduction and interruption of psychiatric medications.


The study methodology followed several stages, including “reception, application of reiki via cell phone accompanied by high vibration sounds (such as reiki music) and reports from users about the effects of reiki conferred in face-to-face consultations by the psychiatrist”, explains scientist Zelia Pimental, researcher in Public Health. She and psychiatrist Mario Roberto Romano were responsible for conducting the research.

Reike should be recommended in the SUS

“As a critical analysis, we recommend that it is necessary to offer reiki to a greater number of users served by mental health services and in the long term so that the effectiveness of the results can be better established”, say the researchers.

The research results indicate the importance of monitoring the effect of reiki in maintaining the mental health of patients, “since there was a gradual reduction in psychiatric medications in half of the people treated”. Two users discontinued use, under medical advice.


Alternative therapy is part of the list of Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (PICs), recently added to the Unified Health System (SUS).

Connection with the universe

“We know that current life, conflicts, raiva, fear, hatred, negative emotions promoted by the stress of today's life end up interrupting the necessary flow of energy that the body demands for proper functioning. We are part of the universe and we are condensed corporeal energy, we continually depend on the energy of the universe”, says master Alberto Nubie Policastro.

According to the specialist, just like acupuncture, reike dissolves this obstruction in the body channels that receive the energy. “The therapist serves as a channel to capture universal cosmic energy and regulate the energy of the human body,” he says.

Some may call it faith, others use physics to explain how reike works. But the fact is that the practice joins other alternatives (such as acupuncture and meditation) included as a complement to traditional medicine and even used in hospitals.

Patients admitted to hospital receive complementary treatment with reike, something common in several countries. Image provided by master Alberto Nubie Policastro

Featured photo: Unsplash

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