Anielle Franco and Sonia Guajajara take office in Brasília; see more at Curto Flash

Ministers Anielle Franco, of Racial Equality, and Sonia Guajajara, of Indigenous Peoples, took office late this Wednesday afternoon (11). The creation of both ministries was a promeLula's campaign campaign. Find out more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment. ⚡️

Inauguration of ministers

Anielle Franco (Racial Equality) and Sonia Guajajara (Indigenous Peoples) were the last ministers to take office in the Lula (PT) government. In a speech, Guajajara stated that the coup acts seen on Sunday (8) will not destroy Brazilian democracy. “And here, Sonia Guajajara and Anielle call on all women to say, together, that we will never allow another coup in our country again,” she said, accompanied by the “no amnesty” chorus. (UOL)


Stay of scammers in prison

More than a thousand people arrested in the depredation of public buildings on Sunday (8) are already in prison. Men were sent to the Papuda Provisional Detention Center and women were sent to the same Colmeia structure. They received a rolled-up mattress to sleep on, a uniform and a hygiene kit containing soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush. In the case of women, sanitary pads were also made available. (Estadão)

'There is no chance of it happening again'

The federal government ordered, this Wednesday (11), to block access to the Esplanada dos Ministérios in Brasília, following the announcement of a demonstration by followers of former president Jair Bolsonaro, three days after the attack on the headquarters of the Three Powers. (AFP)

The executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and public security intervener in the Federal District, Ricardo Cappelli, reported that “search barriers” and “blockades” were installed at the access points to the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in addition to the ban on vehicles circulating through the area. “There is no chance of repeating the unacceptable events that happened on January 8th in the federal capital […], he added. (Globonews)


OAS speaks out about coup acts

The Organization of American States (OAS) expressed support for the Brazilian government and condemned the undemocratic acts in Brasília during the extraordinary meeting of the OAS Permanent Council. Secretary General Luiz Almagro gave a tough speech against the coup acts and said that the organization has the instruments and democratic principles to analyze and condemn this type of threat in the hemisphere. (Agency Brazil)

Ibaneis remains away

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) formed a majority to keep Ibaneis Rocha (MDB) away from the position of governor of the Federal District.

In a virtual trial, this Wednesday (11), ministers Gilmar Mendes, Edson Fachin, Cármen Lúcia, Dias Toffoli and Luís Roberto Barroso followed Alexandre de Moraes' vote to keep Rocha away. (Metropolis)


Political demonstration by police officers vetoed

Lula vetoed the section of the project that allows political demonstrations by police officers. The decision was published in the Official Gazette of the Union this Wednesday (11). For the president, the proposal “contradicts the public interest”, since the “Constitution foresees as members of public security, among others, the military police and military fire departments [...] and are constitutionally subordinated to the principles of hierarchy and discipline". The decision also applies to federal police officers. (Power 360)

Government bars appointment of pediatrician

Considered one of the biggest references in vaccination in the country, pediatrician Ana Goretti Kalume Maranhão was barred by the Palácio do Planalto from heading the recently created Immunization Department of the Ministry of Health. The veto was made by the Civil House, the department that makes the final decision on choices for commissioned positions. The ministry alleged that she made posts critical of the PT and in defense of Operation Lava Jato. This would constitute a “partisan restriction”. (Stay) (I.e.

New gun restrictions in New York

The United States Supreme Court allowed, on Wednesday (11), New York to continue banning firearms in sensitive areas, such as schools and busy public spaces - such as the famous Times Square - while lower courts consider state laws on weapons.


Almost 7 months after the US Supreme Court annulled a very restrictive rule on the possession of firearms in New York City, the magistrates rejected a request to freeze prohibitions on possession depending on the location. (AFP)

Suzane von Richthofen free

Suzane von Richthofen, imprisoned since 2002 for killing her parents, was released this Wednesday afternoon (11), after the court granted progression to the open regime. She had been serving her sentence for 20 years and was currently in a prison in Tremembé, in the interior of São Paulo. (G1)

Comet approaches Earth

A comet called C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which last crossed Earth's orbit 50 years ago – when the planet was still inhabited by Neanderthals – will approach again at the end of January, reported the American space agency (NASA ). In Brazil, the comet will be able to be seen with the naked eye from the beginning of February, calculates the National Astronomical Observatory. (Estadão) 🚥


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