Brittney griner

Basketball star Brittney Griner sentenced to 9 years in prison in Russia

American athlete Brittney Griner, star of the WNBA (women's basketball league in the USA), was sentenced this Thursday (4) to 9 years in prison for smuggling and possession of drugs. The player was arrested in February this year, at an airport in Moscow, Russia, carrying hashish oil - derived from marijuana - in her luggage.

In addition to the 9-year sentence, prosecutor Nikolai Vlasenko also asked Griner to pay a fine worth one million rubles, around R$85 at the current rate.


During the hearings, Griner's defense lawyers claimed that the athlete only used medical marijuana in the state of Arizona, in the United States, where the practice is legal. Other points raised were the athlete’s lack of a criminal record, in addition to her role in the “development of Russian basketball”.

please note that Brittney griner He is a professional athlete on two teams, one in the United States and the other in Russia. Due to inequality in sports salaries, it is common for women to play abroad during the off-season of the North American tournament to extend their contracts. 

Griner's arrest further increased diplomatic tension between Russia and the United States. US President Joe Biden classified the conviction as “unacceptable”. The White House had already informed that it is working to take the player back to the USA.


Check out questions and answers about Griner's arrest

Featured photo: Reproduction / Instagram

With information from AFP.

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