Corruption: understand at once what it means and how to fight it

Do you know what corruption is? According to the Aurélio dictionary it means “act or effect of corrupting oneself; debauchery, depravity; bribery", but in practice, can you identify a corrupt action? Curto explain it to you.

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Have you already purchased one counterfeit product, used the transport voucher from work to go for a walk or parked in a prohibited place? You may even think it's common, but that's corruption!!


It is noteworthy that corruption does not only happen in the political environment and it may be closer than we imagine.

What is corruption?

A corruption it is the act of tampering with something. In politics, the meaning may be to bribe someone to obtain favors for yourself or someone else. Or divert money that should go to public actions/works.

According to NGO Transparency International, corruption can be defined as 'the abuse of political power for private purposes'. 


What does it mean to be corrupt?

A corrupt person is one who has been corrupted, who acted dishonestly for their own benefit or that of other people who are linked to them. Corruption, in a way, is unfair: if someone benefits from something that should belong to everyone, others will have to pay the bill. 

“The corruptor is the citizen who interferes in a routine democratic or bureaucratic process to obtain some advantage through some kind of agreement with the representative”, according to the International Transparency.

Do you understand why it is so difficult to combat corruption? It can be part of a process and even part of the culture of a people.


The Brazilian “way”

you know that "Brazilian way"? It can have two interpretations: a kind of creativity, linked to improvisation in difficult situations that Brazilians face, or the negative side, when it means connivance and tolerance with acts of corruption.

“The way and the favor are at the center of how corruption became systemic in the country”, says the historian Sidney Chalhoub, from the University of HarvardOn interview with German website Deutsche Welle.  

Chalhoub considers that this “knack” has its roots in our history linked to slavery: when the only way to achieve something was to ask favors from landowners. This practice continued and was combined with situations that, today, are closely linked to corruption.


Corruption has types provided for in Brazilian law:

  • Active corruption

O article 333 of the Penal Code provides that the “simple” act of offering or promeTaking advantage of a public official to get him to do something is considered active corruption.

  • Passive corruption

A passive corruption é when the public official himself asks, directly or indirectly, for an undue advantage or, even, when he accepts what was offered to him by someone.

In Brazil 🇧🇷

In the Brazilian political context, we have a long history of corruption. And this is one of the roots of social inequality in the country, the bureaucratization of institutions and a feeling of impunity that all Brazilians feel. 


Some effects of political corruption:

  • scrapped health
  • poor education
  • increase in violence
  • bad public security system 

Is it possible to fight corruption?

Yes. There are Brazilian institutions created for this (courts of account, public internal affairs bodies, Public Ministry and Justice itself), but the fight against corruption passes mainly through massive investment in education.  

Education helps to transform, and in addition to avoiding corruption, it raises awareness among the next generations, giving a sense of responsibility and social justice.

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