Social networks on the wall: government gives platforms 72 hours to show effective measures against violence

Digital platforms will have up to 72 hours to explain to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security what measures they are adopting to restrict content that incites violence in educational institutions. The deadline will start counting from the receipt of the notifications issued this Thursday (13). The Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, signed an ordinance that obliges companies to immediately remove content that propagates violence upon request from the competent authorities.

Platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Youtube and TikTok will also have to promote active moderation of content and accounts, in addition to adopting a system for continuous risk assessment, avoiding new threats to schools.


The ordinance also determines that platforms inform the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon) the rules of information recommendation algorithms. According to Secretary Wadih Damous, social networks are not neutral in relation to the content published on them, as they determine the reach of publications, suggest posts and accounts, in addition to defining what can be moderated.

In case of non-compliance with orders made by Senacon, companies will be subject to fines and even suspension of activities. The punishment will be determined according to the seriousness of the infraction. But will this work?

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