Artificial intelligence becomes a topic at the Bilderberg Group Meeting; understand

The 69th meeting of the Bilderberg Group is underway in Lisbon, Portugal, bringing together political leaders, businesspeople and celebrities to talk about a topic that has gained prominence in recent months: artificial intelligence.

  • The Bilderberg Group is an organization that promotes annual private and closed meetings, bringing together around 130 influential individuals from different areas, such as political leaders, businesspeople, academics and members of the media. 
  • In addition to AI, it is also in pattern relations with China and Russia, war in Ukraine, climate change and the banking system, including tokenization.
Topics being discussed at the meeting. (Bilderberg Meetings reproduction)
  • Within the select group present at the event, there are important figures from global technology, such as the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, CEO of Deepmind, Google, Demis Hassabis and the leader of OpenAI. ChatGPT, Sam Altman.
  • On the topic of AI, the main focus of discussions is the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society, as well as geopolitical and environmental challenges.
  • The large meeting follows the “Chatham House Rules”, allowing open and fruitful debates but in a confidential manner.
  • Critics point to networking and lobbying as the group's main objectives, while defenders praise the space for relevant discussions.
  • In addition to the big techs, other leaders are also at the meeting, such as the president of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Martin Schwab.
  • On social media, conspiracy theories suggest that the group seeks to impose a world government and shape the destiny of humanity for its own benefit.
  • Like Newsverse was not invited to the event, the truth behind this is unknown. However, from the way things are going, artificial intelligence is certainly a hot topic for the personalities present.

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