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Game: cryptocurrencies invade the world of electronic games

Did you know that some virtual games allow exchanges with cryptocurrencies? Critics say the practice will be the undoing of gamers. O Curto Explain the controversy to you.

Experts from the world of electronic games are debating the interest of large companies in the sector in the technology blockchain, one of the pillars of crypto-coins, which recently collapsed.


Cryptocurrencies, which were already used in virtual financial negotiations, also became the currency in the gaming universe, through blockchain. This news brought excitement and concern to the gaming community at the same time, causing controversy.

“Everything that happens in this space now is simply bad, not to say terrible,” explained Brazilian game designer Mark Venturelli in an interview with Agence France Press (AFP).

Venturelli, CEO of Rogue Snail and creative director of the mobile game Relic Hunters, was invited to participate in the biggest games festival in Brazil, in São Paulo, to talk about the future of the billion-dollar sector. He took the opportunity to highlight “problems and threats offered by “blockchain gaming”, arguing that the technology is “the enemy of the gaming market”.


According to cryptoculture advocates, blockchain technology allows electronic game users to recover part of the money they invest in their hobby, by creating and selling avatars, for example. 

The problem lies in its use, which has had the opposite effect: game manufacturers will be able to increase their profits, taking advantage of the lack of legislative clarity surrounding these new technologies, explained Venturelli. 


Blockchain is a block of data that records digital transactions in the “Mother Block”, it is like an extract, or history of what was done, linking one thing to another. With advances, games were created in this cryptocurrency network, and players can make transactions instantly without any problems. The exchange is made for cryptocurrencies in the blockchain.



As cryptocurrencies collapsed, changing the entire art and luxury market sector, which began to issue NFTs. Neymar, a football player, spent R$6 million buying three works, which have already been devalued and are now worth around R$1 million.

O NFT is the digital record of ownership of an asset, which can be real or virtual, which cannot be copied or replicated, like a physical work of art. The authenticity of the work is registered in the blockchain.

Reproduction/Neymar Jr.

With information from AFP

Featured photo: Unsplash

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