Elon Musk shares vision of the future in the G20

At a G20 side event, the billionaire Elon Musk showed his vision of the future, which has: aliens, travel and rocket and a network of underground tunnels. Musk's participation was virtual, with his face illuminated by a red light.

The parallel G20 business summit took place on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali and the new owner of Twitter was present virtually.


The image of the businessman was bad, completely dark and poorly lit. His face and hands appeared in a reddish light.

“We had a power outage three minutes before the call. So I am completely in the dark,” he told Indonesian businessman and moderator Anindya Bakrie.

The businessman was questionHe spoke about not having been there in person and replied that his “workload has increased a lot recently”, due to the purchase of Twitter.


Musk also spoke about the operation that led to several people being fired from the company.

In the main conversation, which was about the vision of Elon Musk About the future, the businessman talked about underground tunnels to decongest traffic on the surface, rocket travel around the world and alien life.

“We may encounter alien civilizations or discover civilizations that existed millions of years ago,” he said.


Musk owns the vehicle brand Tesla and the aerospace company SpaceX. He argues that, in the future, mobility involves electric cars and a network of tunnels to decongest traffic.

The businessman also showed interest in building rocket launch pads around the world so that people can travel “to the other side of the planet” at twenty times the speed of sound.

“I think it would really open up the world, if you could travel anywhere in less than an hour,” he said.


(With AFP)

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