Google merges Brain and DeepMind projects to accelerate advances in Artificial Intelligence

Alphabet has combined its artificial intelligence (AI) research units called Google Brain and DeepMind in a new unit called Google DeepMind. This will help big tech to stay in line with other large companies in the sector. The decision was announced last Thursday (20), on the division head's blog.

The new unit will work with other product areas of the Google to deliver more advanced AI research and products safely and responsibly. DeepMind is known for its advances in games such as Go and chess, as well as in other areas such as protein folding prediction and drug discovery.


Google merges the Brain and DeepMind projects to accelerate advances in Artificial Intelligence (Image: DeepMind)

A new unit will be led by DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis and the chief scientist at Google, Jeff Dean. The first task will be to create powerful AI models. The company's intention is to continue research into algorithms, privacy and security, health and even sustainability.

O Google is also working on a new AI-powered search engine called Project Magi, which will allow users to interact more naturally. This would be one of the ways to go head to head with other ongoing projects from other large companies already in the curto term. Furthermore, the Google plans to allow users to purchase products without leaving the user interface Google.

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