Record company wants to combat the use of AI that creates songs that violate copyright

Universal Music Group, one of the most relevant record labels on the world stage, is raising an important discussion about generative artificial intelligence tools that use copyrighted tracks to create new music that imitates popular artists. The emergence of AI-created music on streaming services has forced the record label to take steps to protect the intellectual property rights of its artists.

Because the label controls much of the ecosystem, about a third of the global music market, it is sending takedown requests to streaming platforms including Spotify and Apple. The company wants developers to stop accessing music catalogs. Initially, the case was reported by the Financial Times.


In general, artificial intelligence tools allow users to create works based on their musical idols simply and online. Generative AI technology can create songs that combine lyrics, vocals and themes from different artists, which could result in possible copyright infringement.

“MusicLM”, for example, from Google, is an AI system capable of generating music based on text descriptions. However, the product was not released due to the company's concerns about copyright infringement and appropriation of artistic creativity.

The American Recording Industry Association (RIAA) also condemned the use of copyrighted music for training AI models for piracy. The initiatives are an obvious nod to the concern of large entertainment companies with the expansion of artificial intelligence tools.


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Record company wants to combat the use of AI to create songs that violate copyright

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