Microsoft want ads on Bing Chat; understand

A Microsoft is planning to implement ads in its artificial intelligence chatbot, the Bing Chat. With more than 100 million chats carried out, the company hopes to pioneer the future of advertising in this new medium. Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President and Director of Consumer Marketing at Microsoft, stated that the new Bing Chat is driving increased usage and engagement, raising questions about what this could mean for content publishers in terms of traffic.

The company has two objectives for Bing Chat: Drive more traffic to publishers and increase publisher revenue through new features like chat and replies.


A big tech already drives traffic to publishers by including quotes in the chat response. Now, the Microsoft is embedding ads as quotes to share its revenue with partners whose content contributed to the chat response.

Another additional feature for publishers is also being developed, such as an expanded hover experience where hovering over a link from a publisher will display more links from that person to drive traffic to the site. Additionally, the company is considering enhanced captioning of licensed content from Microsoft Home next to the chat response to generate more user engagement with the chat content Microsoft Start, where the Microsoft Shares ad revenue with partner.

Microsoft want ads on Bing Chat; understand

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