Millions of fast food workers could lose jobs in 5 years, says creator of Valyant AI

The advancement of artificial intelligence will allow computers and robots to replace the majority of jobs in fast food chains within five to 10 years, says businessman Rob Carpenter, the founder of Valyant AI, a company focused on Artificial Intelligence. The "prediction" sounds apocalyptic, but it just follows a trend. Fast food units such as McDonald's and Taco Bell are already using robots to serve customers in the United States.

“This is definitely a watershed moment for Artificial Intelligence,” said Valyant AI founder Rob Carpenter in an interview with Fox News. “We will see AI leap from back-office processing and manufacturing facilities to consumer-facing, front-facing and traditionally human-only jobs.”


Well-known fast food chains such as Chipotle, Popeye's and Domino's and Wingstop, as well as giants McDonald's and Taco Bell, are already using AIs in place of workers.

Wendy's began a partnership with Google earlier this month to “revolutionize the drive-thru experience with Artificial Intelligence“. A program pilotwill employ the AI ​​of Google Cloud to talk to customers and take their orders. 

“Within five to 10 years, I think most restaurant positions could be automated, and that will be from a variety of different technology providers,” Carpenter said. 


Valyant AI, the Fast food artificial intelligence

Valyant AI is behind a Artificial Intelligence “drive-through” similar to that of Google named Holly, who Carpenter said can outsell human employees. Holly has received more than 1 million drive-through fast food orders and is now working with Hardee's and Carl's Jr.

A Artificial Intelligence is already automating food ordering through self-service computer terminals, simplifying payment through mobile devices and even allowing robots to prepare meals, said Carpenter. 

“What we see is that humans, on average, upsell – technique used to offer products of greater value than those customers were interested in – about 50% of the time,” Carpenter said. “Valyant sells around 200% on average. “It doesn’t matter if it’s 8 a.m. or 2 a.m., the AI ​​still sounds more excited [than humans] and it never forgets the upsells,” he said. 


“They can add items to your order, they can modify items, they can remove items,” he continued. “Holly is going to roll with all of this.”

In a report in March, Goldman Sachs predicted that AI advances could eliminate or reduce 300 million jobs and the technology could create “significant disruption” in job markets globally.

(Source: Fox News)

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