Artificial Intelligence model can accurately predict risk of pancreatic cancer, says study (Newsverso/Uesley Durães)
Image credits: Artificial Intelligence model can accurately predict risk of pancreatic cancer, says study (Newsverso/Uesley Durães)

Artificial Intelligence model can accurately predict pancreatic cancer risk, says study

Researchers published in the scientific journal Nature a study on an artificial intelligence model that can accurately predict the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

  • The AI ​​model was developed from an analysis of 500 CT scans of people with lung nodules, indicating the spread of pancreatic cancer to the lungs.
  • Os researchers identified the people most likely to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer based on medical records and analysis.
  • The model was tested on 6 million people in Denmark and 3 million in the US, yielding an AUC score of 0,88 for estimating risk over the next three years and 0,9 for detecting risk over the next 12 months.
  • The AI ​​model can also be used to predict the need for additional intervention in patients with lung nodules who would be considered an average risk of developing cancer.
  • The use of AI can help maximize the use of diagnostic tests and improve clinical decision-making, crucial for early disease screening.
  • According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 56% of people with pancreatic cancer die within five years of diagnosis.
  • In Brazil, according to the National Cancer Institute, 1% of all types of cancer diagnosed are pancreatic. Still according to the INCA, 5% of the total deaths caused by the disease are from pancreatic cancer.

See also:

Artificial Intelligence model can accurately predict risk of pancreatic cancer, says study (Newsverso/Uesley Durães)
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