'Mystery in Paris', sequel with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, premieres on Netflix

The first film by the Hollywood duo, Mystery in the Mediterranean, is available on Netflix, and this Friday (31) you will be able to watch the sequel to the work that features the acting duo from America's most beloved comedy.

Adam Sandler (Lying's Wifea, As if it was the first time, Low blow, among other features) gives life to police officer Nick Spitz, who is married to Audrey Spitz, Jennifer Aniston's character (famous for the comedy series Friends).


In the plot, which mixes suspense and action, the actors are full-time detectives. But of course, the public can also expect good doses of humor. Furthermore, if it follows in the footsteps of the first film, Mystery in Paris has a good chance of being a success. This is because its predecessor attracted more than 30 million viewers.


There's good news on Netflix and that promeshake up your weekend: we're talking about Mystery in Paris 🎬

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