Women are free from their husband's authorization for tubal ligation; see what changes with the new law

New legislation regulating tubal ligation and vasectomy procedures - both sterilization methods - came into effect. It seems like something from the Middle Ages, but until recently it was necessary to have permission from your partner or spouse to undergo surgery. With the new law, this and some other rules considered outdated lose their validity and are replaced by others that make more sense in modern society.

Law 14.443/2022, which came into force, modernizes the rules for those looking for methods to not have more children, both through tubal ligation and vasectomy.


What else changes with the new law?

  • The law reduces the minimum age for carrying out procedures in the country to 21 years old. Before, it was 25 years,
  •  the minimum age will not be required for those who have at least two living children,
  • the woman can request a tubal ligation during the period of childbirth, which was not allowed under the previous legislation, from 1996. It is necessary to express the desire 60 days in advance,
  • contraception methods and techniques must be available within a maximum period of 30 days.

Anyone who wants to go through the procedure must also leave this statement in writing in a signed document!!

You need to be sure and undergo counseling

As it is something definitive, the expression of will and the surgery, the person must undergo counseling provided by a medical team and will receive guidance on the advantages, disadvantages, risks and effectiveness of the procedure. The aim is to avoid early sterilization.

Other forms of sterilization such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) are not permitted as a way of preventing children.


Failure to comply with the law leads to imprisonment!

Yes, to have a vasectomy or tubal ligation, you must follow exactly what the legislation says, otherwise there will be punishment with penalty of two to eight years in prison and a fine.

And the penalty can be increased by a third if:

  • occurs during childbirth or abortion without prior manifestation of 60 days,
  • if the person is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, altered emotional states or temporary or permanent mental incapacity,
  • in an absolutely incapable person, without judicial authorization,
  • or through cesarean section indicated exclusively for sterilization.

(With Brazil agency)

@curtonews It seems like something from the Middle Ages, but women needed their husband's permission to perform #tubal ligation ♬ original sound – Curto News

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