What is a whitepaper? | Newsverso Glossary

Within web3, several concepts are new to most internet users. Even the term web3 is unknown, as well as metaverse, cryptocurrencies and everything else. With that in mind, Newsverso brings you a series of explanatory notes with those complicated terms that appear here. It's the Newsverso Glossary! Today we will explain, in a few lines and efficiently, what a whitepaper is.

This term did not necessarily emerge with web3, but it is constantly used to describe the first steps of projects in this dimension. O whitepaper is a document used to describe the step-by-step process of a project or concept, providing information relevant to the business and showing the solutions that would be applied to it.


"Blank paper"

In direct translation, called blank paper, the whitepaper It is a guide that serves to simplify the understanding of a given project or business.

Generally used in the technology sector, the whitepaper must contain the business objective, the problem to be solved, where the idea came from and how it will stand up, taking into account the challenges. 

To exemplify the usefulness of white paper, Suppose you are interested in launching a metaverse of your own. This way, you will have to convince investors and users that this business has solid foundations and is trustworthy; if people are interested in the world and if it will be palpable at the current stage of technology. How would the investment money be divided? It's like presenting a TCC (Course Conclusion Paper). 


@curtonews Have you ever heard of #whitepaper? Come here and the #NewsversobyCurto ♬ original sound – Curto News

Some questions that should be answered in the whitepaper:

  • What is the purpose?
  • What is?
  • Who would be interested?
  • How long does it take for the project to get off the ground?

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