What is the difference between the mosquito and the dengue mosquito?

Dengue has been a reality in Brazil for decades, but many people still confuse normal mosquitoes with the mosquito that transmits the disease, which is Aedes aegypiti. The differences are many and easy to identify. O Curto will explain!

@curtonews A #dengue has been a reality in Brazil for decades, but many people still confuse normal mosquitoes with the #mosquito ♬ original sound – Curto News

To begin with, the mosquito dengue and the mosquito They are mosquitoes from different families. While the first is the Aedes aegypti, the mosquito is the Culex quinquefasciatus.


It is possible to identify them both during flight, “in action”, and at rest. The colors are different: the mosquito has a uniform brown color and the Aedes aegypti It has a black body with white stripes.

They also differ in size: the first measures 3 to 4 millimeters while the second is 5 to 7 millimeters.

Agency Brazil

The characteristics and flight habits of both are also different. While the mosquito has a slower and noisier flight (generating a buzzing sound), the Aedes aegypti It is faster and quieter and usually attacks from 9am to 13pm. You mosquitoes, in turn, operate at night, from 18pm onwards.


Another difference is in the sting. O mosquito It leaves a small red bump and this mark causes itching. Now the mosquito dengue does not leave marks or itchiness.

It is also worth remembering that the Aedes aegypti It is also the transmitter of chikungunya fever, yellow fever and Zica virus.

Both lay eggs in still water, but the mosquito in the dengue It prefers clean water and lays eggs in several locations, individually. Already the mosquito lays its eggs together, in the form of a raft, in dirty, polluted water.


(With Brazil Agency)

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