Open relationships are a topic inside and outside the BBB

The 23rd edition of Big Brother Brasil featured two members who are in an open relationship. Like everything that happens on BBB, it didn't take long for the subject to gain prominence inside and outside the program. But the term is not limited to reality and is now increasingly present in relationships. Understand. ⤵️

A conversation between singer Aline Wirley and doctor Fred Nicácio raised debate on social media about a subject that is increasingly present in friends' circles: open relationships and non-monogamy. In the chat, Aline told about her marriage to actor Igor Rickli.


“Sometimes people judge a lot, they don’t exactly understand. And it's super understandable that they don't understand, because we were formatted to be a certain way. But it works so well, it works so well, I know how it works, how happy we are, how we love each other, how it really is”, said Aline.

Relationships that deviate from traditional monogamy have become more popular in recent years, mainly due to the dissemination of information on the subject. On social media, several couples talk about open relationships and the relationships they have with people other than their partners, whether just sexual or even romantically involved.

Outside of the BBB and the internet, it is also increasingly common to find non-monogamous people. This is the case of Renata Borges, 26 years old, who maintains an open relationship with her girlfriend. For her, non-monogamy met other discussions about how society works, about how it reproduced patterns without questionair and how he felt desires based on the social context. “Then I started discovering myself and I think it is a constant discovery and very much based on collective exchange and discussion with friends”, she says.


Renata explains that the fact that her circle of friends is mostly made up of non-monogamous people reduces difficulties in understanding. However, it is not possible to escape judgments. “In some spaces I don't talk [about your open relationship] because it's exhausting and I'm not willing to convince anyone,” she says. “For me, non-monogamy is what makes sense, but I don’t need it to make sense for anyone else.”

She further explains that telling her family was a fear, but after a while, she realized that what matters to her parents is whether she is okay. “Other people, like co-workers, might find it strange, but it’s ok. I also find the monogamous structure strange, and that doesn’t mean I’m going to disrespect the guy”, says Renata.

@curtonews Once again, the # BBB23 ♬ original sound – Curto News

Non-monogamy vs open relationship

It may seem like the same thing, but it's not. An open relationship operates according to the same logic as monogamy, where a couple establishes agreements and authorizes the other person to be with whoever they want, normally, without emotional involvement. Non-monogamy is about a way of living that is not restricted to just kissing people.


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