Asteroid passes close to Earth this Wednesday (15) without danger, says NASA

NASA clarified rumors that a huge asteroid, measuring approximately one kilometer, is approaching Earth this Wednesday (15). Astronomers from the North American space agency have been tracking this asteroid for 17 years and guarantee that there is no risk to humanity. There is no reason to worry, says NASA. 

Called 2005 YY128 will fly past Earth at a “safe” distance, according to the director of the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory , Paul Chodas. (GB)


In an interview with the American website USA TODAY, he said the huge rock is gigantic, but ruled it out as any danger of impact. “It poses absolutely no risk to humans,” he added*.

The size of a truck

“Yes, the asteroid is quite large, probably between 1.903 and 4.265 feet (up to just over a kilometer),” says Chodas

But astronomers have been tracking this asteroid for 17 years and can accurately predict when it orbits the sun. 


Even saying that this astronomical event will pass close to Earth, that means 2,8 million miles – 12 times further than the moon is from our planet.  

Any story of a possible collision with Earth is “simply false”, assures the NASA director.

What is an asteroid?

According to NASA's own website:

“Asteroids, sometimes called minor planets, are rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system, about 4,6 billion years ago.”


Most of this space debris ancient can be found orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter within the main asteroid belt.

“The asteroidsariam in size, going from Vest – the largest at about 329 miles (530 kilometers) in diameter – to bodies less than 33 feet (10 meters) in diameter. The total mass of all asteroids combined is less than that of the Moon.

NASA is constantly monitoring the trajectory of various celestial bodies in Earth's orbit and you can follow it live on the internet or on NASA's social network. NASA Asteroid Whatch.


A few days ago, a small asteroid (about 1 meter) crossed the sky of France, as astronomers warned long before, causing a flash and without any gravity

(Source: NASA)

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