ChatGPT does not yet meet EU data accuracy standards; understand

The efforts of OpenAI to produce outputs with less false information from your chatbot ChatGPT are not sufficient to ensure full compliance with the data rules of the European Union (EU), said a working group at the EU data protection agency.


“Although measures taken to comply with the principle of transparency are beneficial to avoid incorrect interpretation of outputs from the ChatGPT, they are not sufficient to comply with the principle of data accuracy”, said the working group – in a report published on its website on Friday (24).

The body that brings together the national data protection authorities of the Europe created the working group on the ChatGPT last year after national regulators led by Italy's authority raised concerns about the widely used artificial intelligence service.

The various investigations launched by national privacy watchdogs in some member states are still ongoing, the report said, adding that it was therefore not yet possible to provide a full description of the results. The conclusions should be understood as a 'common denominator' among national authorities.


Data accuracy is one of the guiding principles of EU data protection rules.

“Indeed, due to the probabilistic nature of the system, the current training approach leads to a model that may also produce biased or contrived outputs,” the report said. “Furthermore, the outputs provided by the ChatGPT is likely to be considered factually accurate by end users, including information relating to individuals, regardless of its actual accuracy.”

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