Bruno Krupp wins habeas corpus and leaves jail with electronic ankle bracelet

Model Bruno Krupp, ex-boyfriend of influencer Sarah Poncio, who ran over and killed a 16-year-old teenager, had his preventive detention changed to precautionary measures.

Krupp spent eight months in jail and will be released with an electronic ankle bracelet.


The Superior Court of Justice accepted the request for habeas corpus which claimed that preventive detention cannot be used as an anticipation of sentence, as Krupp has not yet been tried.

“I do not identify the need to keep the accused in prison, if other measures, with equal suitability and sufficiency, can protect the interest at stake, that is, prevent the commission of a new crime, under penalty of precautionary detention losing its exceptional nature and becoming in mere punitive anticipation”, argued the minister Rogerio Schietti Cruz.

In addition to the electronic ankle bracelet, Krupp must appear in court once a month and will only be able to leave the house during the day. He cannot leave the country without judicial authorization and is prohibited from obtaining a driver's license.


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