Image credits: Fernando Frazão/Agência Brasil

Can anyone who didn't vote in the first round vote in the second round?

This Sunday (30), the second round of the Brazilian elections takes place. Lula (PT) and Bolsonaro (PL) - candidates for President of the Republic - are competing for the electorate's preference and many states will elect their governors. But what about those voters who did not vote in the first round of elections, will they be able to vote in the second round? The answer is YES, as long as their title is regularized.

Anyone who did not attend the polling place must justify their absence in each of the shifts and, at most, up to 60 days later.


It is possible to justify using the e-Título application, available for download on Android and iOS platforms.

By the way, this Saturday (29), The deadline for downloading the e-Título ends – electronic identification document that replaces the paper version of the voter registration card – warned the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). The download is free. (Agency Brazil)

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