Juliette takes a stand and the battle between 'Cactos x Docshoes' begins

There's no denying it: at BBB 23 the biggest fans are the 'Docshoes' (name given to fans of Amanda and Cara de Sapato). But, apparently, we have a conflict between generations of reality fans, as ex-BBB Juliette decided to support Domitila and her cacti 🌵 mobilized. Know more!

  • The wall – which will eliminate a participant from the BBB 23 on Tuesday night (18) – it is made up of Amanda, Domitila and Larissa;
  • The winner of BBB 21, Juliette Freire, declared support for Domitila Barros, participant of BBB 23, on Monday afternoon (17);
  • And who didn't like that at all? You 'Docshoes'! Amanda's fans said that the cacti (Juliette's fans) no longer have any strength and that they will eliminate the Domitilla: “We are bigger than the old fans. Your time is gone, Juliette. Failed”;
  • After that, the tag #ForaLarissa ended up among the top topics on Twitter;
  • Battle of giants, maybe? What is your hint? (I.e.

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