Victim refuses to be examined by a psychologist hired by Daniel Alves' defense; find out more at Curto Flash

The young Spanish woman who accuses player Daniel Alves of rape, in a Barcelona nightclub in December 2022, refused to undergo an examination carried out by a psychologist hired by the player's defense. Find out more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment. Game Curto is fast!

Spanish woman refuses to be examined by psychologist hired to defend Daniel Alves

The victim who accuses Brazilian player Daniel Alves of rape in a Barcelona nightclub in December last year refused to be examined by a private psychologist hired by the player's defense. She filed an appeal. The defense’s proposal was to determine the victim’s symptoms and her version of what happened “are consistent with sexual assault.” (Land)


Census: lack of address in favelas makes it difficult to register households

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) is revisiting all places that still have high rates of interviews not carried out, due to absence of residents or refusal, for the 2022 Demographic Census. According to IBGE, in areas of favelas and urban communities , in addition to absence and refusal, there are other challenges: there is often no address, which makes it difficult for census takers to navigate and register households. (Brazil Agency)

Fred Nicácio remembers religious intolerance and cries

Fred Nicácio has been at BBB 23's Casa do Reencontro since Tuesday (21) and woke up crying this Thursday (22). The brother told Tina and Paula about the players who committed religious intolerance against him during his time in the most watched house in Brazil. He said this 'is the certainty of the impunity of whiteness.' (UOL)

Petrobras reduces diesel prices for distributors

This Wednesday (22) Petrobras announced a new reduction in the price of diesel for distributors. The value goes from R$4,02 to R$3,84 per liter. The reduction is 4,47% or R$0,18. (g1)


Father Kelmon sues Orthodox church

Father Kelmon (PTB) sued the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioquina in Brazil for moral damages. The politician asks for compensation of R$500, and a right of reply to the institution. During the presidential debates for the 2022 elections, the institution issued a statement denying any links with religious people. (TV Cultura)

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