Deforested Amazon
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Amazon at risk: study links the dismantling of environmental agencies with the increase in carbon emissions

The first two years of Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) government caused an effect in the Amazon equivalent to the large-scale extreme event El Niño, according to a study published in the journal Nature at the end of September. According to the research, in 2019 and 2020, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) - one of the main greenhouse gases - doubled in the region due to the weakening of environmental inspection bodies, which would have resulted in an increase in deforestation and degradation. , among other factors. Researcher Luciana Gatti, one of the authors of the article, reported the feeling of despair when seeing “the Amazon being murdered” in a conversation with Agência Pública. Check out!

O study (🇬🇧) was produced by a team of 30 scientists led by the researcher and is in the development phase preprint – when it has not yet been published in a scientific journal and evaluated by peers.


Gatti explained to Public Agency that the new research gives us two “bad news”:

First, the rainy season in the Amazon, which mainly occurs between January, February and March, was affected: in 2020, it showed a 26% drop in rainfall and an increase of 0,6ºC in temperature.

The second is that the western part of the biome, previously neutral, also became a source of CO2, mainly due to the increase in deforestation in Amazonas and fires in Roraima.


The publication concluded that the largest tropical forest in the world could be on the verge of extinction. point of no return, in which it irreversibly loses its original characteristics and ability to provide ecosystem services.

In the interview, Gatti is outraged by the current situation of the forest and its potential consequences.

“We’re not just going to lose the Amazon. It will be a calamity in Brazil, it will be the collapse of agribusiness, the increase in extreme events. A lot of people are going to die, lose everything”, alert. “People have to understand each tree as a natural air conditioner. They have to understand that the forest is not a waste of land, it is a rain and water factory.”


In order to interrupt this destructive cycle, Gatti emphasizes the need to take measures to stop the collapse: such as the immediate moratorium on deforestation in the Amazon and reforestation projects in deforested and degraded areas.

Furthermore, he argues that the management of the environmental agenda in Brazil should be seen as a matter of the State, not of the government. “The vision I have of Brazil is that of a plane heading towards the abyss. O pilotthe kamikaze, Captain Bolsonaro, taking everyone into the abyss and the people there: “what butterflies in the stomach, this piloto is good”, I told Public Agency. 

Be sure to check out the Full interview with the researcher. (Public Agency)


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