Hulk actor calls Lula to “Avengers” for the environment in criticism of change in ministries

The engaged actor Mark Ruffalo, who gave life to the character Hulk in Marvel's "Avengers" series, put President Lula in a 'tight situation' by reposting an appeal from congresswoman Célia Xakriabá (Psol) criticizing PL 490, which takes away from portfolios of Environment and Indigenous Peoples important responsibilities such as demarcating land and combating deforestation. The "Hulk" made a provocation on Twitter, calling on Lula to be the "hero that his people elected" and fight against the bill created by the Chamber.

The post, made in a tone of irony by the actor who plays the Hulk, puts even more pressure on the Lula government to condemn the project that has been a source of division among its supporters, including the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva.


Since the Chamber of Deputies approved the PL that has been called “emptying power from the Environment and Indigenous Peoples portfolios”, President Lula has faced a shootout: on one side, there are the deputies in favor of the project and who make up the base support from the government in Congress – and that the PT needs to have governability. On the other hand, there is the ideological wing and the environmentalist movements, totally opposed to the removal of power from Marina Silva and Sônia Guajajara.

Now we have to wait for the scenes from the next chapters…

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