'Earth Letter' talks about the real cost of deforestation

In Carta da Terra, published this week by Earth News, Lourival Sant'Anna talks about her conversation with Bráulio Borges, researcher at the Brazilian Institute of Economics at Fundação Getúlio Vargas and economist at the consultancy LCA, regarding the real cost of deforestation. According to a study updated by the researcher, the gain from eliminating deforestation by 2030 is R$1,2 trillion. 💸

This calculation takes into account 4 quantified variables: loss of agricultural productivity, due to the change in the rainfall regime; air conditioning equipment costs, because of the increasing heat; losses for property owners in coastal regions — where a large part of the world's population lives —, due to rising sea levels; It is harm to human health, which reduce productivity and increase medical care costs.


It is worth noting that the study refers to the net deforestation, that is, some areas can be deforested, as long as they are smaller than or equal to the regenerated areas.

⚠️ The conversation with Bráulio will air in three parts: on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, on the channel Earth News Earth on YouTube and podcast apps. Do not miss it!

 Other highlights of the week:

  • O Amazon Fund will expand its area of ​​activity, also extending to the protection of indigenous peoples and combating illegal mining.
  • In this new phase of Amazon Fund, Norway has already contributed R$1 billion and Germany, R$200 million. They also expressed their intention to collaborate with the United States, France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Canada.
  • If Brazil does not eliminate illegal deforestation by 2030, it will not be able to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as set out in the target set in the Paris Agreement.
  • World Bank President David Malpass has announced that he will step down at the end of the fiscal year, on June 30.
  • The STJ minister, Ribeiro Dantas, denied a request for an injunction in which the defense intended to reverse the transfer, to federal penitentiaries, of 3 people accused of the murder and concealment of the bodies of indigenous man Bruno Pereira and British journalist Dom Philips.

Don't forget to read the Earth Charter Full!

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