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Cerrado deforestation grows in the first quarter of 2023

Deforestation in the Cerrado reached 188,2 thousand hectares in the first quarter of this year. This number represents 35% more than that recorded in the first three months of the previous year, when 139,8 thousand hectares were deforested, according to data from SAD Cerrado (Cerrado Deforestation Alert System) released this Friday (14) . Despite the increase in the first quarter, the record of deforestation alerts for the month of March decreased compared to February this year (reduction of 31,9 thousand hectares). 🌳

Of the 188,2 thousand hectares deforested in Cerrado in the first quarter, approximately 48 thousand are in Bahia. The state was the one with the highest concentration (25%) of new areas of deforestation in the biome during the period. The deforested area more than doubled compared to the first quarter of 2022, when 20,2 thousand hectares were recorded felled in the state of Bahia.


During the month of March, 54,8 thousand hectares of land were deforested Cerrado, an increase of 37,7% compared to the same period in 2022, when the biome lost 39,8 thousand hectares. During the third month of the year, Bahia accounted for 30% of all deforestation, around 16,3 thousand hectares.

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