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More than 90% of deaths from natural disasters occur in developing countries, warns UN agency

Between 1970 and 2021, 11.778 climate and water disasters were recorded, resulting in 2 million deaths and US$4,3 trillion in economic losses, data are from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). According to the survey, more than 90% of deaths occurred in developing countries. The agency highlights that early warning systems and disaster management have reduced human losses in recent years.

US$115,2 billion in economic losses in Latin America

The data reveals that 39% of the economic impact occurred in the United States, reaching US$ 1,7 trillion in the period analyzed. In less developed countries, the cost of these environmental tragedies is disproportionately high in relation to the size of the economies.


In South America, the WMO counted 943 disasters related to climate and water events. About 61% of them were floods. In total, the disasters caused 58.484 deaths and US$115,2 billion in economic losses.

In Africa, the total number of catastrophes reached 1.839 between 1970 and 2021. They caused 733.585 deaths and US$43 billion in damage to the economy. Droughts were responsible for 95% of reported deaths.

“Early warning saves lives.”

The study was presented at the World Meteorological Congress, which began on Monday (22). The event seeks to establish a high-level dialogue on accelerating and scaling up actions to ensure that early warning services reach everyone by the end of 2027.


WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said Cyclone Mocha, which caused widespread devastation in Myanmar and Bangladesh, is an example of how “the most vulnerable communities” bear the greatest impacts from climate disasters.

He said early warnings ensured that death rates were far lower than those recorded in previous weather events in these two countries. According to the head of the WMO, “early warning saves lives.”

The deaths recorded in 2020 and 2021, reaching a total of 22.608, indicate a drop in mortality compared to the annual average of the previous decade. Economic losses increased, most of them attributed to the storm category.


(With UN News)

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