carbon footprint
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Calculate your carbon footprint; see other highlights Curto Verde

Discover the carbon footprint calculator launched by National Geographic Brazil - by filling in some questions about your consumption habits and daily actions, the tool estimates the tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) you emit in a year; Unicef ​​report points out that 40 million Brazilian girls and boys are exposed to more than one climate or environmental risk; and a study reveals that Brazil could become the largest net zero nation in the world.

🔢 Calculate your carbon footprint

New in the area! A National Geographic Brazil launched its own carbon footprint calculator. By filling in some questions about your consumption habits and daily actions, the tool estimates the tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) you emit in a year. Measurement is the starting point for working to reduce impacts caused by climate changes.


But what is a carbon footprint?

One of the main causes of global warming These are greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide. Although the main emitters of these gases are large companies with polluting activities, individual actions can also contribute to this – these being the so-called “carbon footprint".

Scale for Good

The calculator is part of the initiative presented by National Geographic call Scale for Good, which features a collection of videos with three influencers from Latin America: the Brazilian actress, YouTuber and UNICEF ambassador Thaynara Oliveira Gomes (Thaynara OG); the Argentine writer and psychologist Magali Tajes; and the Mexican actor Gonzalo García Vivanco.

The three take advantage of their flight stops to connect with explorers and learn about projects with an environmental impact, understanding how they can contribute to caring for Planet Earth. Watch!


Video by: National Geographic

🌱 In Brazil, 40 million children are exposed to climate risks

The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) released a report pointing out that 40 million Brazilian girls and boys are exposed to more than one climate or environmental risk. The number is equivalent to 60% of young people in the country.

Launched during the meetings of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP27), Unicef ​​seeks to warn that children and adolescents are the most impacted by climate changes and need to be prioritized.

🌳 The largest net zero nation in the world?

Deloitte e AYA Earth Partners present a report that reveals that Brazil could become the largest nation net zero in the world.


But what does it mean to have a net zero policy?

It means zeroing net emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), into the atmosphere, and any release of polluting gases must be compensated by the reduction of an equivalent amount of CO2.

Deloitte, a professional services organization, will hold this Thursday (17), from 9am to 10am (Brasília time), an online event to present the report Amazon's Marathon: Brazil to lead a low-carbon economy from the Amazon to the world, produced and presented on the occasion by AYA Earth Partners, a hub recently established in São Paulo to connect agents focused on the ESG agenda.

The study shows that Brazil can become the largest net zero nation in the world by 2030 and help the planet offset up to 1,9 Gt of CO2 per year in 2050.


Written collaboratively by a wide range of experts and institutions, including renowned scientists, public and private sector leaders, and renowned NGOs operating in the Amazon region, the report discusses eleven theories of change for the region's immense potential for sustainable development.

The online event can be accessed at this link. Do not miss it!

Curto Verde is a daily summary of what you need to know about the environment, sustainability and other topics linked to our survival and that of the planet.


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