Digital influencers gain guidance on elections

Aimed at the 2022 elections, the manual provides compiled guidance on the role and responsibilities of the influencer in the political-electoral debate.

It was launched last Monday (15) the Guide for Digital Influencers in elections, initiative of InternetLab research center and media education project Redes Cordiais. Focusing on the 2022 elections, the document brings together updated information on data protection, disinformation, censorship, political violence and other factors involved in digital political communication. This is the second edition of the guide, which was first published for the 2020 elections


Based on electoral legislation, the document provides:

  • a set of democratic, ethical and security principles for decision-making
  • a toolbox with practical questions and answers that may arise during the election period

Did you know that, according to the law, it is not allowed to hire digital influencers to publish or promote political/electoral content on their networks or websites? Read more here. (InternetLab)

The guide seeks to guide influencers and digital content producers on the rules necessary to build “a space in which political debate is free, democratic, transparent and plural”, say the organizers. Read the full release post here.

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