ANALYSIS: Bolsonaro condemns Jefferson's act, but at the same time criticizes Justice, creating a parallel between action and reaction

About Roberto Jefferson, there is not much to say. Its track record is known. What is surprising is that he still has some space in the Brazilian public arena, including in the press. May his fate be determined by what the law dictates. After today's events, Justice, which is delayed in this case, should not fail.

And the President of the Republic of Brazil? The highest authority that should be an untouchable example in complying with the laws and decisions of the judiciary? On Twitter, Mr. Bolsonaro condemns Jefferson's criminal act, but at the same time criticizes the justice system. In other words, it ends up creating a parallel between action and reaction. Bolsonaro has defended this type of bullet resistance several times in the past. He still defends it, but with a week to go before the election, he is trying to hold back. But until when?


Either the rules are followed or they are not. There is no middle ground. Whoever it is.

(João Caminoto)

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