Anxiety: it needs to be treated to avoid developing other mental health problems

Brazil has the most anxious population in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Around 9,3% of Brazilians suffer from pathological anxiety disorder. Psychiatrist Márcio Bernik, a USP expert on the subject, warns about the importance of treating anxiety so that it does not turn into other disorders, including depression, also common among Brazilians.

“A study carried out in Switzerland, which followed 10.000 young people for 30 years, showed that four out of every five cases of depression, in adulthood or early adulthood, generally arose from an untreated or mistreated anxiety disorder”, recalls the psychiatrist Márcio Bernik, coordinator of the Anxiety Disorders Program at the Institute of Psychiatry at the Hospital das Clínicas at the Faculty of Medicine at USP.  


 If anxiety disorder is a form of poor adaptation to chronic stress, depression is the failure of stress coping mechanisms.

Bernik explains that the pandemic was a period called perfect storm for the growth of these disorders because: people did not seek help and treatment for fear of becoming infected; new cases were not treated and treatments were discontinued; there are few mental health services and no psychiatric outpatient clinics in the country; the increase in psychosocial stress, due to the daily news of people dying, falling ill, in fear of losing jobs and an increase in crime. 

“You can’t pretend that the problem doesn’t exist. You can’t imagine that the person will resolve it alone”, says the doctor. There is no spontaneous remission of anxiety and depression, if the person does not seek treatment, they will not improve”, he explains.


“It’s not a person’s lack of moral courage, it’s not a weakness of character”, concludes Bernik. He also draws attention to Distress Disability Disadvantage, the three Ds, which help to understand and diagnose problems:

  • distress – excessive suffering;
  • Disability it is the inability to face the world as it is;
  • Disadvantage – feeling of disadvantage in a company or college, because the person is unable to speak or express what they feel and the quality of their work drops.

“Within this context, you need to seek help, which involves a psychiatric evaluation, or at least a basic health unit with a doctor. The treatment is not necessarily a treatment with medication, in many cases you can opt for cognitive behavioral therapy, medication and, whenever possible, also psychotherapy”, says the psychiatrist. 

(Source: Jornal da USP)

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