Murder of PT member and rape of pregnant woman are topics on presidential candidates' social media

This Monday (11), two recent crimes that shocked the country were topics on the social media of the main pre-candidates for the Presidency of the Republic in the 2022 elections.

Squid (PT)

The former president lamented the murder of PT treasurer Marcelo Aloizio Arruda, aged 50, during his birthday party in Foz do Iguaçu, in western Paraná. The shots that killed Arruda were fired by Bolsonaro police officer Jorge José da Rocha Guaranho. “The Brazilian people are a people of peace. And we need to recover normality in our country,” he wrote. He also published a video in which he paid tribute to Arruda.


Bolsonaro (PL)

An anesthesiologist was arrested in the act, charged with rape in the early hours of Monday. Giovanni Quintella, 32, abused a patient while she was drugged during a cesarean section. Bolsonaro regretted that the Constitution does not provide for life imprisonment for crimes of this nature. “Human rights are for the victim, this bum blows himself up,” he said.

Simone Tebet (MDB)

“Even in a woman’s most intimate and sublime moment, when giving birth to a life, she is raped by a man,” Tebet said on social media about the case of the anesthetist arrested after raping a patient.

Ciro Gomes (PDT)

The Ministry of Health and Anvisa admitted that there is a risk of shortages of medicines, such as serums and dipyrone, in drugstores and health units. On the subject, Ciro pointed out that the lack of a national development project is a reflection of this crisis. “We are in the hands of China and India, which provide us with 95% of the inputs for the production of medicines,” he said. “Addiction, which brought us to our knees during the pandemic, threatens us now in our daily lives,” he added.


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(Top photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

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