Female filmmakers will receive R$20 million from Ancine for film production

Named after Ruth de Souza – the first Brazilian woman nominated for an international film award –, Ancine's notice will select ten feature film projects directed by debuting women, with a budget of R$2 million each.

National Film Agency (Ancine) launched this Friday (28) the Ruth de Souza Audiovisual Notice for women. Approval of the proposal by the Audiovisual Secretariat (SAV) of the Ministry of Culture was made on Wednesday (26) and allocates R$20 million for production projects of feature-length fiction cinematographic works directed by debutant women.


The incentive meets the determination of the Minister of Culture, Margaret Menezes, in a realignment of Ancine to the resumption of cultural projects in Brazil, paralyzed by the previous government. 

Paying homage to the pioneering artist in theater, cinema and television, the Ruth de Souza Public Notice will invest R$2 million for each of the 10 fiction projects with a free theme and presented by independent Brazilian producers.

In total, two projects will be approved per region of the country, with at least three works by black female directors and at least two by indigenous directors. 


Registration is free and must be completed on the portal Culture Maps from May 15, 2023 until 18pm on July 14 of this year. 

Projects frozen in the Bolsonaro government

A curiosity about the notice is that the amount was rearranged from two aborted notices from the government of Jair Bolsonaro – R$ 10 million that would be allocated to the Electronic Games notice and another R$ 10 million from a notice called Cultural Production, both contained in the action plan of the Audiovisual Sector Fund of the former government.

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