Image credits: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

How did Cracolândia come about?

In the largest city in Latin America, crack spread and created its own territory: 'Cracolândia'. Understand how one of the main social problems in the capital of São Paulo arose.

A Crackland emerged in 1990, in the region of Luz, in the center of the capital of São Paulo. The first 'flow' was between the Cleveland, Nothmann, Dino Bueno and Helvétia streets.


'Flow' is the name of the place where drug addicts are concentrated.

The first seizure de crack na Sao Paulo City was reported on June 22, 1990. The Military Police arrested a man with 220 grams of crack.

The name "Crackland” was cited for the first time in a newspaper report The State of São PauloIn 1995.


Cracolândia has “resisted” in the center of São Paulo for more than 30 years. The illegal drug trade operates every day, in the open. Currently, there are “mini cracolândias” spread across the central region.

Fiocruz carried out a national survey on crack in 2014 and the data is already out of date, but at that time, Brazil could have had the largest number of crack users in the world. According to National Survey on Crack Use, in 2014, there were 370 thousand regular crack users in 27 capitals and the Federal District.

The world's crack problem

According to the National Secretariat for Drug Policy, of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, crack emerged in the 1980s in the United States. The focus was on poor neighborhoods in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. The AIDS epidemic caused injectable cocaine users to switch to crack, as it had intense effects and no risk of contamination.


Economically speaking, crack is a cheap drug with a potent and quick effect, spreading quickly for this reason.

Today, São Paulo City Hall has the 'Redenção' social program, which was created in 2007. The program includes health, social assistance and work actions for people in socially vulnerable situations who abuse alcohol and drugs.

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