Against resource limits for Science and Technology, parties sue STF

The PCdoB, PT, PV and Rede parties filed a lawsuit with the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to suspend President Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) Provisional Measure that limited resources from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development. The MP, published in August, invalidates changes established in law approved by the National Congress. After Bolsonaro partially vetoed the law, Congress overturned the vetoes with an absolute majority.

According to the Provisional Measure signed by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), the fund can spend up to R$5,55 billion in 2022. From 2023 onwards, it can only invest 58% of the revenue forecast for the year. This percentage would gradually increase until reaching 100% again in 2027.


The parties that went to court claim that, with the Provisional Measure, Bolsonaro acted to “change the rules of the game, which should have already ended”.

“There are profound differences between the law originally approved by the National Congress and that intended by the President of the Republic with his unconstitutional Provisional Measure”, state the parties in the action.

What does the government say?

The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic informed, in a note, that “with the change, it will be possible to reduce the blocking of primary expenses in this year for the execution of public policies that were already in progress”.


What is a provisional measure?

It is a norm, with the force of law, issued by the President of the Republic in situations of relevance and urgency. Despite producing immediate legal effects, the Provisional Measure needs subsequent consideration by the Houses of the National Congress (House and Senate) to definitively become ordinary law.

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