Lula and Bolsonaro
Image credits: Reproduction/Twitter

ELECTIONS: Lula leads with 41% and Bolsonaro beats 34%, in FSB/BTG survey

In two weeks, former president Lula (PT) had a drop of 3 percentage points. On the other hand, President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) rose 3 points.

The survey (read the full here) shows the drop in the difference between the candidates leading the polls in the first round of elections last week, to 7 percentage points. In two weeks, former president Lula (PT) registered a 3-point drop in stimulated voting intentions. On the other hand, President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) rose 3 points.


Released today, the eighth round of research produced by FSB Comunicação at the request of Banco BTG, was carried out between the 5th and 7th of August with 2 thousand voters and registered with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) with the number: BR-08028/2022 . The margin of error is 2 percentage points, with a 95% confidence interval.

BTG/FSB research 08.08.22
Source: Reproduction/FSB Institute research for BTG

According to the research coordinators, “Brazilians’ perception of the
economy and, mainly, on inflation” and this would have benefited Bolsonaro.


Voters who participated in the survey responded about their interest in the 2022 elections, which will elect federal and state deputies, senators, governors and president.


  • 37% are very interested in voting.
  • 27% consider themselves interested.
  • 15% more or less.
  • 10% not very interested.
  • 9% no interest.
  • 1% do not know or did not respond.

Since March, Brazilians' level of interest has changed. In the first month of the survey, 64% were very interested and 23% had no interest in the elections. The peak of interest was in May, when the number of interested parties reached 69%.


73% of voters are sure who they will vote for in October, but 25% think the decision is not yet made.

Jair Bolsonaro voters are 82% sure of their vote. From Lula 81%. Cyrus 42%. 56% do not vote for any of the candidates and Simone Tebet's electorate is 32% sure.


Featured photo: Reproduction/Twitter

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