Image credits: Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil

Default and debt break record in 12 years

The percentage of families with outstanding debt reached 30% in September. It is the highest proportion in the historical series of research initiated in 2010 by the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC). The share of families in debt also broke a record in the country in September: 79,3%.

In August, the number of defaulters rose to 29,6%, 4,5 percentage points more than in September 2021, when it was 25,5%. In relation to debt, that is, families with any debt (overdue or not), in August the percentage was 79% compared to 74% in September last year.


The debt of the poorest families, those earning less than ten minimum wages, reached 80,3%. This is the first time that the share exceeds 80%. “Although delays have grown over the month and over the year among consumers in both income groups, the difficulties in paying all of the month's commitments are more latent among lower-income families,” said CNC economist, Izis Ferreira.

Among women, the percentage of debt is higher (80,9%) than among men (78,2%).

Families that are unable to pay their debts stood at 10,7%, below the 10,8% in August, but above the 10,3% in September last year.


Among the types of debt that grew the most compared to September last year are credit cards (which rose from 84,6% to 85,6% of total debts), store cards (from 18,8% to 19,4. 4,6%) and special check (from 5,2% to XNUMX%).

(With Brazil Agency)

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