Image credits: Marcos Oliveira

Senate approves project that stops the use of 'legitimate defense of honor' in cases of feminicide

The project will not need to go through the House plenary and can go directly to a vote in the Chamber. 

Unanimously, the Senate decided that the defense of moral, social value or honor cannot be used as an argument or object of acquittal in crimes of domestic or family violence against women or feminicide. The project will not need to go through the House plenary and can go directly to a vote in the Chamber. 


The PL was authored by senator Zenaide Maia (Pros-RN), who celebrated the processing by the Constitution and Justice Commission. ''Brazil leaves behind structural machismo, the notion that women are the property of men, who have the right to attack and take life. No! It is a crime and has consequences. Society no longer tolerates these remnants of a time when women had no place. I hope that, soon, we will have legislation that is in line with our times, putting an end to these sexist theses and thoughts still from the Colonial era''.

Curated by Curto

Femicide fell in 2021, but one every hour, a woman is a victim of the crime. This is what the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook points out

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