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More than one person in five has been a victim of violence and harassment at work, says ILO

More than one in five people have suffered some form of violence and harassment in the workplace around the world – revealed an investigation published this Monday (5) by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

“A violence and harassment at work they are widespread throughout the world”, states this joint investigation by the ILO, the Lloyd's Foundation and the Gallup research institute.


“More than one employed person in every five (22,8%, i.e. 743 million people) suffered at least one form of violence and harassment at work during their professional life”, according to data collected last year.

According to the report, 31,8% of victims declared that they had suffered more than one form of violence and harassment, and 6,3% of them found themselves confronted with the three forms (physical, psychological and sexual) of this phenomenon within the scope of their work. Less than 55% of victims spoke about their situation.

The survey was carried out with 75.000 people interviewed in 121 countries, the majority by telephone.


The study numbers also show that the psychological violence tends to affect women more than men, while the latter are more victims of Physical violence.

(To AFP)

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