Manu Gavassi reveals frustration with the nude shoot he participated in; check out this week's podcasts

Manu Gavassi went to Gioh and Fepa's podcast. There, the actress, singer and ex-BBB revealed her frustration in a nude shoot she did for a magazine. This week's podcast conversations were super reflective, and on PodDelas there was a farewell to Tata Estaniecki, who went on maternity leave.

Who Can, Pod

The guest on Gio Ewbank and Fe Paes Leme's program was former BBB actress and singer Manu Gavassi. The chat was super sincere and Manu revealed her frustration with a nude shoot she did – she said she regretted it.


"I hated it. They said I could choose my cover, but I had to bend over. When I went to speak, they had already published the magazine and that was it”, said Manu.

In the episode, Manu said he asked fans not to buy the magazine.


There's a new host in the area! Thalita Meneghim will take over the program alongside Boo Unzueta during Tata Estaniecki's maternity leave, who is 37 weeks pregnant.


The announcement was made on Thursday (05) and people were thrilled with the news on social media. Tata, Boo and Thalita cried lovingly talking about the program.

Mano a Mano

Regina Casé was this week's guest on Mano Brown's podcast. The rapper and actress talked about racism, personal life and stories about Regina Casé. Whitening and ageism were also on the agenda.

My Collective Unconscious

In this week's chat, Tati Bernardi spoke with urban planner, writer and psychoanalyst Joice Berth. The big question was “how not to be a stupid white woman in 2023?”


“In times of 'self-authorized' narcissism on social media, not taking ourselves so seriously, playing and publicly assuming our limitations is a great exercise in self-knowledge and expansion of our personality”, says Joice.

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