“Oh disgusting” becomes a meme, after Janja shows the state of Alvorada on TV

The networks don't forgive! The phrase "oh disgusting" went viral on the internet about the poor condition of the Palácio da Alvorada - the residence of the President of the Republic - shown in an interview with Rosângela da Silva, First Lady Janja, and Natuza Nery, from Globonews. There is no shortage of memes.

The First Lady opened the doors of the Palácio da Alvorada to show the disregard for the (public) heritage left by the former government in the official residence of the Presidency. Works of art on the floor, stains on the furniture and walls were some of Janja's observations, in the interview broadcast on Thursday night (5).


This Friday (6), videos with excerpts from the interview circulated on the internet, accompanied by the expression “ô disgusting” and a series of memes:

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