National minimum wage for teachers rises to R$4.420,55

The national minimum wage for teachers will rise to R$4.420,55 in 2023, an increase of 15% compared to last year's minimum wage, which was R$3.845,63. The ordinance with the new value was signed yesterday (16) night by the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana.

“The appreciation of our educational professionals is a determining factor in the growth of our country”, wrote the minister, when announcing the new value on social media.


The national teaching floor represents the starting salary for public teaching careers in basic education. The value considers a 40-hour work week.

The teaching floor must be adjusted every year by the increase in the minimum annual value per student for the initial years of urban primary education, established by the Basic Education Maintenance and Development Fund (Fundeb). For 2023, Fundeb established a 15% adjustment in the value.

(With Brazil Agency)

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